Mio Fino Issued in two series, Pop and Retro Retro Premium. The main difference is still unclear. The main difference is still unclear. For example usually at Mio Sporty and differences that can not directly be seen is his wheels, but apparently at Fino both use wheel fingers to emphasize a strong impression of old school. For example usually at Mio Sporty and differences That cans not directly be seen is his wheels, but apparently at Fino both use wheel fingers to emphasize a strong impression of the old school. From the pictures on the mailing list YMML, it seems there are differences in coloration model. From the pictures on the mailing list YMML, it Seems there are differences in coloration model.

Fino looked steering
Unlike the original Mio, Mio Fino already use the model advanced shutter key keys like the Honda ad SupraX. Unlike the original Mio, Mio Fino already use the model advanced shutter key keys like the Honda ad SupraX. Mio Fino also been equipped with a basket, and thus no longer paired with accessories such as Mio's basket now. Mio Fino Also been equipped with a basketball, and thus no longer paired with accessories Such as Mio's basketball now. The curved shape handlebar and sepedometer the oval and round mirror adds jadul strong impression he had. The curved shape handlebar and sepedometer the oval and round mirror adds Had he jadul strong impression.